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Alef Kaballah 

The Apotheosis of the Ordinary

7 May 2019

This discourse was said on Shabbat Sedra Kedoshim, 1965. It concerns the Torah instruction about the fruit of a young tree. For the first three years the fruit is forbidden, and then it becomes holy, then it becomes -- ordinary. From the fifth year onwards, it can be eaten anywhere and has no special rules. The discourse asks: wouldn't one expect it to somehow go up a degree in holiness, rather than just become an ordinary fruit? It answers that the 'ordinary' is in fact the most precious, because that means one is achieving the indwelling of the Divine not only in the 'holy' realm, but also in the 'ordinary' realm of daily life. And this is the true purpose of Creation

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The Ten Sefirot: diagram

Sefirot Chart - NL Final.png

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