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Alef Kaballah 

Dimensions of Holiness

5 May 2020

This discourse was taught be the Rebbe in 1965 on Shabbat Parshat Emor. It was edited by the Rebbe and published in 1990 for the Yahrzeit of the Rebbe's brother R. Yisrael Aryeh Leib, a mathematician at Liverpool University. The discourse concerns dimensions of holiness: the supernal Divine holiness for which one might yearn, and the holiness which G-d grants each individual through Torah and Mitzvot.  The power of Repentance, Teshuvah, reaches the supernal holiness of the Divine in a way which might be considered astonishing. It can do this because the Divine Essence is beyond limitations.

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The Ten Sefirot: diagram

Sefirot Chart - NL Final.png

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